GoldHouse Accounting

Property Investment

SSAS pension piggy bank

The Tax Benefits of SSAS Pensions in the UK

For business owners and property investors in the UK, Small Self-Administered Schemes (SSAS) pensions are very useful. They offer a powerful, tax-efficient vehicle for retirement planning. SSAS pensions are employer-sponsored schemes. They allow business owners to gain control over their retirement funds and invest in a wide range of assets, including commercial property. With recent […]

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House for Rent sign outside a modern house.

Benefits of Buying Your Buy-to-Let in a Limited Company

Investing in buy-to-let properties is an excellent way to build wealth, but one important decision is how to structure your investments. Many property investors are opting to purchase buy-to-let properties through a limited company. While there are pros and cons to each ownership structure, using a limited company can offer significant advantages, particularly when it

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Person holiday a House for Rent sign.

Benefits of Buying Your Buy-to-Let in Your Own Name

If you’re considering investing in buy-to-let property in the UK, one key decision is whether to hold the property in your own name or through a limited company. While both options have their advantages, many investors find that holding a property personally offers a range of financial and tax benefits. 1. Lower Financing Costs One

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